FastGIS at Work

Introduce your location to the world.
Add the power of FastFacility GIS based technology to your website.

Some of our Clients

We understand -as do our clients - that GIS is not just about the technology, it is about providing prospects a full understanding of their location.

FastGIS combines jaw-dropping GIS functionality with advanced Microsoft Bing mapping to provide an incomparable user experience that outputs more data than any other provider. Have a look for yourself...





NVEnergy’s FastGIS built database allows users to virtually view the entire state of Nevada...

Defiance County, Ohio

Defiance County, Ohio

Defiance County, Ohio

Defiance has built a vibrant view of their corner of Ohio...

Cedar Hill, Texas

Cedar Hill, Texas

Cedar Hill, TX

Cedar Hill has selected FastGIS as its new GIS provider...

Cedar Hill, Texas

Brownsville EDC,Texas

Brownsville, EDC, TX

Brownsville EDC has selected FastGIS as its new GIS provider...

Cedar Hill, Texas

Opelika, Alabama

Opelika, AL

Opelika has selected FastGIS as its new GIS provider...

Cedar Hill, Texas

Vaughan, Ontario, CA

Vaughan, Ontario, CA

Vaughan has selected FastGIS as its new GIS provider...


FastMap wraps our powerful FastFacility GIS platform and demographic engine around advanced Bing mapping to create the industry's best and most economical database option.

Cedar Hill, Texas

DeSoto EDC, Texas

Opelika, AL

DeSoto EDC has selected FastMap as its new GIS provider...

Cedar Hill, Texas

Jacksboro EDC, Texas

Vaughan, Ontario, CA

Jacksboro EDC, has selected FastMap as its new GIS provider...

Cedar Hill, Texas

Sequoia Valley, CA

Vaughan, Ontario, CA

Sequoia Valley, has selected FastMap as its new GIS provider...




NvEnergy, has selected FastMap as its new GIS provider....

Cedar Hill, Texas

Tulare County, California

Vaughan, Ontario, CA

Tulare County, has selected FastMap as its new GIS provider...

Cedar Hill, Texas

Bridgeport EDC, Texas

Opelika, AL

Bridgeport EDC has selected FastMap as its new GIS provider...

Defiance County, Ohio

Defiance County, Ohio

Defiance County, Ohio

Defiance County, has selected FastMap as its new GIS provider...

Cedar Hill, Texas

Midlothian ED, Texas

Vaughan, Ontario, CA

Midlothian ED, has selected FastMap as its new GIS provider...

Cedar Hill, Texas

Midland, Texas

Vaughan, Ontario, CA

Midland, has selected FastMap as its new GIS provider...

Cedar Hill, Texas

Broome County IDA, NY

Vaughan, Ontario, CA

Broome County IDA, has selected FastMap as its new GIS provider...


About Us

FastGIS is a solution developed by FastFacility LLC that provides custom designed and built services including full GIS. is the nationally marketed portal for available building and site listings. FastFacility LLC is a partnership between Area Development and Evince Corporation.

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